Mon – Frd: 8:00 – 18:00
Mon – Frd: 8:00 – 18:00
This notice serves as a warning that our installment agreement for paying back taxes is about to be terminated. This is a huge red flag that demands immediate attention.
There are steps you can take, however, to properly address your CP523 notice before the IRS escalates collection efforts.
Understanding the CP523 Notice
The CP523 notice is not just another piece of mail; it’s a wake-up call from the IRS. This notice is telling you that your installment agreement, which provided a structured repayment plan, has been abruptly terminated due to missed payments or failure to comply with its terms.
The Time to Act is Now!
With the installment agreement terminated, the IRS now has the authority to pursue collection actions such as wage garnishment, bank levies, or property liens without further ado. Ignoring or delaying your response to a CP523 notice will carry huge consequences, including:
So, What Steps Can You Take?
It’s natural to be overwhelmed when you receive a CP523 letter from the IRS, but there are steps you can take to efficiently resolve your situation:
If you’ve received a CP-523 notice, don’t delay. Contact Douglas Dick at Noble Pacific Tax Resolution immediately! Doug and his team are skilled licensed tax resolution specialists who can help you address your tax issues and achieve the best possible outcome. Call the Noble Pacific Tax Resolution team NOW at (323) 792-0792 to prevent further complications and resolve your tax debt efficiently.