An Offer in Compromise (OIC) is an IRS program designed for taxpayers who owe more than they can afford to pay. If approved, the IRS agrees to settle your debt for less than the full amount owed—sometimes significantly less. If you adhere to the required compliance terms, the settlement is final. However, gaining approval for an OIC can be challenging due to strict eligibility criteria.
The IRS thoroughly reviews your entire financial situation, including income, assets, expenses, and whether paying your full liability would cause undue financial hardship. The IRS will only accept an OIC if they believe it’s all they can reasonably expect to collect from you.
Your chances of approval increase when you have an experienced tax resolution specialist negotiating on your behalf as there are legal strategies that we can often employ to help you qualify. If you qualify, we will promptly implement a customized resolution plan tailored to your unique financial circumstances.
Even if you don’t qualify for an OIC, other options may be available, such as Penalty Abatement, Partial Pay Installment Agreement, or Currently Not Collectible status, and we often employ a combination of these options.
At Noble Pacific Tax Resolution, we specialize in resolving IRS tax issues. It’s what we do every day. Once you engage us to represent you, you’ll generally never need to meet or speak with the IRS directly.